Reigning Cats & Dogs

38 Broadway Hillsdale, NJ 07642


Emergency Dog Grooming

Emergency grooming appointments are a specialty service for times when you just can’t wait. Emergency grooming is an all-inclusive visit which is specialized for your dog. This can include addon services such as tooth brushing, gland expression, specialty shampoo/conditioner, and nail buffing.


If your dog is severely matted he or she will be clipped down to a short length to remove the matting and give you a fresh start at maintaining the coat by brushing at home or scheduling frequent visits with us. Dematting is not included as part of an emergency grooming appointment.


Emergency grooming is charged at a different fee schedule than a regularly scheduled grooming appointment. These fees are based on the following factors:


These services are performed after the salon has been cleaned and sanitized. This process will need to be done again after your dog’s grooming.


The groomer providing the services will be incurring overtime hours because of the time spent grooming your dog after hours.


In most circumstances two team members will be onsite to provide your pet’s emergency grooming. This is both for our safety and your dog’s safety. Sometimes two hands just aren’t enough!


To make an appointment for emergency grooming, please click the below button. Prepayment is required. Please note that this service is currently only available for our canine friends.

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38 Broadway

Hillsdale, NJ 07642



Tuesday: 8:30-5 PM

Wednesday: 9-5 PM

Thursday: 8:30-5 PM

Friday: 9-5 PM

Saturday: 9-5PM